Your Personal Portal

After your account is created, you will be guided through questionaries for me to get to know you before our Discovery Call. Learn more about what a Discovery Call is and how to get started with Healthie in the FAQs.

If we move forward with an Initial Visit, you will be able to schedule on my calendar in your Healthie portal. Once you schedule, you will be guided through a New Patient Questionnaire which is to be completed before our first visit. You will also be able to electronically sign consent for care at this time.

Healthie Is Your Online Health Portal

How does Healthie support your care?

  • A secure way for us to communicate

  • Provides you access to my calendar to schedule visits

  • Gives you one central place to see a record of your payments and any outstanding fees that need to be paid by your next visit

  • Provides an accessible way I can share a “super bill” (mass invoice) with you to be submitted to your insurance company to request reimbursement

  • Provides appointment reminders after scheduling a visit, 4 days before the visit, 1 day before the visit, and the day of the visit

Yellow cement wall with purple flowers
Wooden doorway or passage or portal